Successful 4.5 year old Unique Company that acquires, grows & sells E-Commerce Businesses Exits 20%

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Listing ID
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Asking Price
AED 2,200,000
United Arab Emirates
Information Technology
Very Strong Sales, Marketing & Operations team Length of Operation in Niche 4.5 years Unique Business Model Hard to copy Brand Awareness Year on Year growth Multiple Skillsets in the team Recurring Revenue Returning Buyers Returning Sellers Network of buyers & sellers High net profit Percentage Streamlined Business Valuation and Due Diligence Processes Streamlined Onboarding for Acquisitions Efficient Tech Driven Business Processes Strong Portfolio of E-commerce Brands
Strengths and Opportunities
There are limited competitors within this market, with only a few E-Commerce aggregators and some focused on the Amazon space. However, the specific segment we operate in remains largely untapped. Our proven track record, recurring revenue model, and turnkey operations make this business exceptionally hard to replicate, presenting a unique and outstanding opportunity for investors to partner with the current owners. Opportunities for growth: Expand Marketing Activities to generate more inbound leads Build & Grow program launching Buy & Build strategy with E-Commerce agencies Add affiliate marketing Attend E-Commerce Events in Dubai Offering subscription-based services or products Developing technology or tools for e-commerce optimization Expanding into other e-commerce niches (Amazon FBA, Woocommerce) Expanding into other digital assets Leveraging partnerships with influencers for market penetration And much more!
Audited Financials available Management to remain in Business Open for Investment or Sale
Year Established
License Type


Total Number of Employees
Annual Revenue - last year
AED 5,500,000
Net Profit Last Year
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